Language in England: English
Currency in England: Pound
Best Payment Method in England Contactless and card
Transport in England: Train, local public transport
Phone Plan for England: Voxi and unlimited social media UK (pay as you go) (affiliate)
England Visa Needed: Check to see if you need a visa for the UK here (affiliate)
- 4 INCREDIBLE Accommodations in Saltburn by the SeaQuaint fisherman’s villages, ocean view for miles, and viewpoints that rival Positano. Saltburn by the Sea has long been a favorite weekend trip for Jack, and when we visited in early March, it was instantly a hit for both of us. The areas of Redcar and Cleveland are easily explored in a few days if… Read more: 4 INCREDIBLE Accommodations in Saltburn by the Sea
- 7 AMAZING Summer Destinations to Visit in England by TrainThe quiet humming of the tracks, the gentle rocking of the carriage, the snotty children touching the shared table. For the most part, train travel is easily one of the most enjoyable, and sustainable ways to travel and to see the United Kingdom. Keep reading to discover the seven best places to visit in England… Read more: 7 AMAZING Summer Destinations to Visit in England by Train
- How to Spend 3 INCREDIBLE Days in Saltburn-by-the-SeaA town with one of the oldest gravity lifts in England, beautiful beaches, plenty of pubs and accommodation that’s out of this world, it will come a surprise to know that Saltburn-by-the-Sea seems to be a town undiscovered by many tourists. Keep reading to learn how to spend 3 incredible days in Saltburn! Currency: PoundLanguage: EnglishPrice Range:… Read more: How to Spend 3 INCREDIBLE Days in Saltburn-by-the-Sea